
Url shortener

Set up📎

  • Define a comma separated url mapping file, e.g.
  • Place the file in the $HOME/.jio_redirects (the home of the user that will be running daemonized)
    • OR, specify JIO_REDIRECTS_FILE to the environment
  • Map to localhost in etc/hosts (e.g. add this line to it:
  • Run this on port 80, ideally in some sort of automated daemon that starts on boot.
    • Running sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' <path to jio>/jio lets this binary to bind to priveleged ports on Linux
    • You can use the example jio.service file as a guide if you use systemd (Linux).
    • You can specify a JIO_PORT environment variable for alternate ports.
    • You can specify a JIO_LISTEN environment variable for alternate addresses.
    • Adding new short urls is as simple as editing the filel and restarting the server/service.
      • e.g. make edits, and sudo systemctl restart jio
.gitignore 1 year ago
Cargo.lock 1 year ago
Cargo.toml 1 year ago
LICENSE 1 year ago 1 year ago
jio.service 1 year ago
src 1 year ago