Pronounced "element". An application for visualizing what css selectors will match.
Clone with
git clone git://git.awl.red/neallred/lmnt


Pronounced "element". An application for visualizing what css selectors will match.


go build -o $DIRECTORY_IN_PATH/lmnt main.go


Basic interactive mode

lmnt git.sr.ht/~neallred/lmnt

Load document from file

lmnt ~/tmp.html
echo ~/tmp.html | lmnt

Load document from stdin

cat ~/tmp.html | lmnt

Skip interactive mode, sending output to file

lmnt -q pre.commit git.sr.ht/~neallred/lmnt > ~/tmp-recent-repo-commits
.gitignore 2 years ago
LICENSE 1 year ago
README.md 2 years ago
go.mod 2 years ago
go.sum 2 years ago
main.go 2 years ago