Web gui for calculating loan payoff alternatives (https://loan.awl.red)
Clone with
git clone git://git.awl.red/neallred/loan

loan calculator📎

Build front end side with

pushd client && npm install && npm run build && popd

Example build commands

go build main.go
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build main.go
.gitignore 3 years ago
LICENSE.txt 3 years ago
README.md 1 year ago
babel.config.js 1 year ago
package-lock.json 1 year ago
package.json 1 year ago
index.html 3 years ago
App.test.tsx 1 year ago
App.tsx 3 years ago
Outcome.tsx 3 years ago
Slider.tsx 3 years ago
index.css 3 years ago
index.tsx 1 year ago
react-app-env.d.ts 3 years ago
setupTests.ts 3 years ago
tsconfig.json 3 years ago
go.mod 9 months ago
main.go 1 year ago