Service for recording answers to repeated questions
Clone with
git clone git://git.awl.red/neallred/qanda


Q and A.

Service for recording answers to repeated questions. Can optionally notify a command of the response to the question.


  • What is my external facing IP?
  • How much disk space am I using?

Specify questions in json file

Questions receive no arguments, and are expected to output a string value of 1024 characters or less.

Responses receive the name of the question, the Unix timestamp, the old value, and the new value.

    "name": "ip_addr",
    "frequency": 300,
    "delay": 3,
    "question": "check_ip.sh",
    "record": "on_change",
    "response": "warn_ip_change.sh",
    "response_when": "on_change",
    "max_history": 100

Local dev📎

CGO_ENABLED=1 go run  main.go --dbname "/tmp/sqlite-qanda" --questions ~/qanda.json

You may not want to use the in-memory database, even for testing/local dev. It isn't suitable for concurrent write access without extra pragmas set.

Library considerations📎

Doing as much as possible with no added libs. Looked at https://modernc.org/sqlite , but it errors on concurrent writes, and isn't as heavily used as sqlite. mattn/go-sqlite3 also has no other deps.

.gitignore 9 months ago
README.md 9 months ago
go.mod 9 months ago
go.sum 9 months ago
main.go 9 months ago