use anyhow::Result; use crossterm::{cursor, terminal, ExecutableCommand}; use reqwest; use reqwest::StatusCode; use std::collections::HashMap; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use url::Url; use std::{ fs::File, io::{prelude::*, BufReader}, }; const DEFAULT: &str = "default"; fn load_urls() -> (HashMap<String, Vec<String>>, usize) { let mut url_groups: HashMap<String, Vec<String>> = HashMap::new(); let mut total_urls = 0; let mut args = std::env::args().skip(1); let source: String = if args.len() == 0 { std::env::var("HASWEBS_SOURCE") .expect("if not passing file or urls as arg, need to pass as env var HASWEBS_SOURCE") } else {"should have had") }; if source.contains(",") { let mut current_group = String::from(DEFAULT); for line in source.split(",") { if Url::parse(&line).is_ok() { url_groups .entry(current_group.clone()) .and_modify(|urls| urls.push(line.to_string())) .or_insert(vec![line.to_string()]); total_urls += 1; } else if line != "" { current_group = line.to_string(); } } return (url_groups, total_urls); } else if Url::parse(&source).is_ok() { url_groups.insert(String::from("default"), vec![source]); total_urls += 1; return (url_groups, total_urls); } let mut current_group = String::from(DEFAULT); for line in BufReader::new( File::open(source) .expect("expected arg or env var to be a file since it was not a url or group of urls"), ) .lines() { let line = line.unwrap(); if Url::parse(&line).is_ok() { url_groups .entry(current_group.clone()) .and_modify(|urls| urls.push(line.to_string())) .or_insert(vec![line.to_string()]); total_urls += 1; } else if line != "" { current_group = line.to_string(); } } (url_groups, total_urls) } #[derive(Debug)] enum Outcome { Ok(String), NotOk(String, String, String), } fn print_progress(groups: &Vec<(String, usize)>, outcomes: &HashMap<String, (usize, Vec<String>)>) { let mut msg = String::from(""); for (group, group_url_count) in groups { if let Some((successes, errors)) = outcomes.get(group) { let num_errors = errors.len(); msg = msg + group + ": " + &(successes + num_errors).to_string() + " of " + &group_url_count.to_string(); if num_errors > 0 { msg = msg + " (" + &num_errors.to_string() + " failed)"; for err in errors { msg = msg + "\n " + err; } } msg += "\n"; }; } let mut stdo = std::io::stdout(); stdo.execute(terminal::Clear(terminal::ClearType::FromCursorDown)) .unwrap(); stdo.execute(cursor::SavePosition).unwrap(); print!("\r{}", msg); stdo.execute(cursor::RestorePosition).unwrap(); } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let (url_groups, total_urls) = load_urls(); println!("checking {} urls", total_urls); let ordered_groups: Vec<_> = url_groups .iter() .map(|(group, urls)| (group.clone(), urls.len())) .collect(); let mut outcomes: HashMap<String, (usize, Vec<String>)> = HashMap::new(); print_progress(&ordered_groups, &outcomes); let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(std::cmp::min(100, total_urls)); for (group, urls) in url_groups { for url in urls { let tx = tx.clone(); let group = group.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { match reqwest::get(&url).await { Ok(resp) => { if resp.status() == StatusCode::OK { let send_value: Outcome = Outcome::Ok(group); tx.send(send_value).await.unwrap(); } else { tx.send(Outcome::NotOk(group, url, resp.status().to_string())) .await .unwrap(); } } Err(x) => { tx.send(Outcome::NotOk(group, url, x.to_string())) .await .unwrap(); } }; }); } } let mut total_errors = 0; for _ in 0..total_urls { match rx.recv().await.unwrap() { Outcome::Ok(group) => { outcomes .entry(group) .and_modify(|(successes, _)| *successes += 1) .or_insert((1, vec![])); } Outcome::NotOk(group, url, error_message) => { let descriptive_error = format!("{} ({})", url, error_message); total_errors += 1; outcomes .entry(group) .and_modify(|(_, url_errors)| url_errors.push(descriptive_error.clone())) .or_insert((0, vec![descriptive_error])); } }; print_progress(&ordered_groups, &outcomes); } let mut stdo = std::io::stdout(); stdo.execute(cursor::MoveDown( (ordered_groups.len() + total_errors) as u16, )) .unwrap(); Ok(()) }