use std::hash::Hash; use std::collections::HashMap; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct End { path: String, status: Status, report: String, } #[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub enum Status { // #TODO: Should these be consolidated? Does the user care or want to know // all the different failures and their reasons? NonRepo, NoRemotes, Dirty, RemoteHeadMismatch, UpToDate, Updated, NoClearOrigin, BareRepository, FailedMergeAnalysis, RevertedConflict, UnresolvedConflict, NeedsResolution, FailedFetch, WIPOther // For unconsidered errors. This should eventually eliminated } pub fn non_repo(path: String, report: String) -> End { End { status: Status::NonRepo, path, report, } } pub fn with_path(path: String) -> Box<dyn Fn(Status, String) -> End> { return Box::new(move |status, report| End { path: path.clone(), status, report }) } pub fn other(path: String) -> Box<dyn Fn(String) -> End> { return Box::new(move |report| End { path: path.clone(), status: Status::WIPOther, report }) } pub fn sans_report(path: String) -> Box<dyn Fn(Status) -> End> { return Box::new(move |status| End { path: path.clone(), status, report: String::from(""), }) } fn group(ends: Vec<End>) -> HashMap<Status, Vec<End>> { let mut grouped: HashMap<Status, Vec<End>> = HashMap::new(); ends.into_iter().fold(&mut grouped, move |acc, u| { match acc.get_mut(&u.status) { Some(mutable_group) => { mutable_group.push(u); }, None => { let _ = acc.insert(u.status.clone(), vec![u]); }, }; acc }); grouped } fn print_all(ends: &Vec<End>, label: &str) -> Option<()> { println!("{} ({}):", label, ends.len()); for x in ends { println!(" {}\n {}", x.path,; }; None } fn print_path(ends: &Vec<End>, label: &str) -> Option<()> { println!("{} ({}):", label, ends.len()); for x in ends { println!(" {}", x.path); }; None } fn print_count(ends: &Vec<End>, label: &str) -> Option<()> { println!("{} ({})", label, ends.len()); None } pub fn print(ends: &Vec<End>) { println!(""); let groups = group(ends.clone()); groups.get(&Status::NonRepo).and_then(|x| print_path(x, "Not a repo")); groups.get(&Status::NoRemotes).and_then(|x| print_path(x, "No remote")); groups.get(&Status::NoClearOrigin).and_then(|x| print_all(x, "No clear remote origin")); groups.get(&Status::BareRepository).and_then(|x| print_count(x, "Bare repo, skipped")); groups.get(&Status::RemoteHeadMismatch).and_then(|x| print_path(x, "Remote head mismatch")); groups.get(&Status::UpToDate).and_then(|x| print_count(x, "Up to date")); groups.get(&Status::FailedMergeAnalysis).and_then(|x| print_count(x, "Failed merge analysis")); groups.get(&Status::RevertedConflict).and_then(|x| print_all(x, "Reverted conflict")); groups.get(&Status::UnresolvedConflict).and_then(|x| print_all(x, "Unresolved conflict")); groups.get(&Status::Dirty).and_then(|x| print_all(x, "Dirty, skipped")); groups.get(&Status::FailedFetch).and_then(|x| print_all(x, "Couldn't fetch")); groups.get(&Status::NeedsResolution).and_then(|x| print_all(x, "Needs resolution")); groups.get(&Status::WIPOther).and_then(|x| print_all(x, "Other error")); groups.get(&Status::Updated).and_then(|ends| -> Option<()> { println!("Updated ({}):", ends.len()); for x in ends { println!("{}:{}\n", x.path,; }; None }); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { fn blnk() -> String { String::from("") } use super::*; #[test] fn group_buckets_correctly() { let mk_end = |status| End { path: String::from(""), status, report: String::from(""), }; let ends = vec![ mk_end(Status::NonRepo), mk_end(Status::NoRemotes), mk_end(Status::NoRemotes), mk_end(Status::Dirty), mk_end(Status::RemoteHeadMismatch), mk_end(Status::UpToDate), mk_end(Status::Updated), mk_end(Status::NoClearOrigin), mk_end(Status::BareRepository), mk_end(Status::FailedMergeAnalysis), mk_end(Status::RevertedConflict), mk_end(Status::UnresolvedConflict), mk_end(Status::NeedsResolution), mk_end(Status::FailedFetch), mk_end(Status::WIPOther) ]; let grouped = group(ends.clone()); assert_eq!(grouped.len(), ends.len() - 1); assert_eq!(grouped.get(&Status::NoRemotes).unwrap().len(), 2); } #[test] fn non_repo_is_self() { assert_eq!(non_repo(blnk(), blnk()).status, Status::NonRepo) } #[test] fn other_is_self() { assert_eq!(other(blnk())(blnk()).status, Status::WIPOther) } #[test] fn sans_report_is_empty() { assert_eq!(sans_report(blnk())(Status::NonRepo).report, blnk()) } #[test] fn with_path_has_path() { let my_path = String::from("/path/to/repo"); assert_eq!(with_path(my_path.clone())(Status::NonRepo, blnk()).path, my_path) } }